Air Handler Unit Restoration in Washington DC
Air handler units undergo a lot of stress. Most are used day and night to constantly improve air quality for a facility’s HVAC system, especially in hot and humid climates like Washington DC. No matter the quality of the air handler unit when initially installed, all units are subject to daily wear and tear. Crack, leaks, deterioration, and more can happen to any air handler unit at any age. And now contaminated air is circulated through the HVAC system.
The first step to keeping an air handler unit in top condition is to schedule regular maintenance. If you haven’t done this, call our office to set you up on a regular schedule. The next step is to call us as soon as your maintenance staff notices any diminished operation from the unit.
Here are some ways you’ll know that your air handler unit needs service. The first is in the fan itself. The fan is designed to run continuously, and once it stops, the whole HVAC system is triggered to stop. So when the fan starts making strange noises, it’s a warning sign of what is to come. Another sign is any type of leaks. Leaks generally come from some kind of blockage. And what can cause the blockage? Mold, contaminants, and even pests. Above all, leaks show that something is not correct, and the condensation is not draining properly.
Air Handler Unit Replacement or Air Handler Unit Restoration in Washington DC
Once HVAC systems go through several different service calls, businesses might start to look into options for the next step. The good news is that Air Cleaning Technologies is an experienced local installer for air handler unit restoration. That means we travel to different businesses and buildings throughout Washington DC to help companies to decide if their HVAC system is a candidate for air handler unit restoration instead of replacing the entire unit.
We’ve had 20 years of experience with sealing air handlers, so companies don’t have the expense of replacing an entire unit. Our process usually goes in the following sequence. We start with a full inspection. Then the technicians at Air Cleaning Technologies clean, sanitize, and seal the air handlers for optimal performance. Our portfolio includes diverse projects from the small to extensive air handler unit restoration in Washington, DC.
Cost-Saving Air Handler Unit Restoration in Washington DC
Washington, DC, is home to several large and well-known universities. Household names include American University, George Washington University, Georgetown University, and John Hopkins University. Together these institutes of higher education have a total enrollment of 86,000.
Call today at 703-397-8853 and schedule an appointment to discuss your air quality needs. We guarantee customer satisfaction with top-quality service that puts you first!